

Venango County Only - Token Transit

Meadville Fixed Route Only - CATA PAY

Request For Fixed Route Escort

A passenger is permitted an escort if they are unable to use the Fixed Route bus without assistance due to a disability. This takes into account their ability to travel to and from the bus stop.

The information obtained in this certification process will only be used by CATA for the provision of transportation services. Information will only be shared with other transit providers to facilitate travel in those areas. The information will not be provided to any other person or agency.

The Shared Ride program is open to the General public with fares subsidized for seniors age 65+ and Persons with Disabilities (PwD) through the PA Lottery program. Seniors and PwD riders
pay 15% of the general public fare. All general public fares are based on distance of travel and range from $13.30 - $50.00. CATA maintains many grants and relationships with community agencies to cover the cost or subside the general public fare. We encourage you to contact CATA to learn more about discounted programs including the Senior 65+ program, PwD program, ADA Paratransit program and more.
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